Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why Fatty Foods are the Enemy !

According to a new study, not only should we avoid fatty foods for our physical health and weight reasons, but  fatty foods can actually be found to be bad for the brain as well. With the holidays approaching, eating fatty and greasy foods can be hard to eliminate, but you should eat with caution to keep your brain power on point. During a study on animals, the animals the consumed foods high in fats scored significantly lower on memory tests in comparison to animals eating a low fat diet. Following this experiment, they animals eating the high fat diet were directed to exercise and the tests were performed again. After exercise, the animals scored as well as they did before the fatty diets. This shows the effects of fatty foods as well as exercise. Exercise can almost counteract the negative effects that fatty foods can do to your mental health. If you do not focus on exercising you should make sure to pay extra attention to the amount of fat you ingest. Overall, cut back on fatty foods as much as possible but during times of celebration and family gatherings when that comfort food seems unavoidable, just be sure to make time to move around after.

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